Rolfing - manual fascia work
Rolfing is a form of manual bodywork and movement training that aims to achieve effortless alignment, freedom of movement, personal well-being and the release of chronic stress through a deeply effective and targeted balancing of the body-wide fascial network.
Gravity - The role of gravity
Dr. Ida Pauline Rolf (1896-1979) was a pioneer of bodywork who recognized the important role of fascia and gravity in our health and well-being. If the body becomes “out of balance”, for example due to accidents, injuries, emotionally stressful events or constant one-sided stress, chronic pain is often the result. Rolfer recognize such unfavorable posture patterns and postures and can release them through targeted techniques.
Our part
We have chosen the important role of gravity for human well-being as the central element for the Rolfing brand. This is how “inGravity” came about - it stands for effortless straightening, lightness and freedom of movement in the field of gravity.